Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Poem 'Animals' by WALT WHITMAN [From ‘Song of Myself ’ in Leaves of Grass] Summary Q&A Solved and Explained


In the poem ‘Animals’ by Walt Whitman, the poet admires animals for their simplicity and honesty. He wishes to turn into an animal and live with them. The poem highlights the virtues of animals and how humans can learn from them. The most important theme of the poem is not to admire how good animals are, but to compare humans with them in order to focus on the flaws of their nature. The poet believes that probably a very long time ago, humans possessed all the qualities such as calmness, the lack of greed and the ability to stay happy, but they have now lost them. So in this poem, Walt Whitman has given a pedagogic point before human beings.

Thinking About the Poem

1. Notice the use of the word ‘turn’ in the first line, “I think I could turn and live with animals…”. What is the poet turning from?

In the first line of "Animals," Whitman's "turn" could signify escape from various burdens: the anxieties of human life, societal pressures, a sense of alienation, or a lost connection with nature's simplicity. It's a multifaceted yearning for what animals embody - peace, contentment, and oneness with the earth.

2. Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t.

Whitman's "Animals" highlights three human burdens absent in their world: 1) self-inflicted woes like "whining about condition" and "weeping for sins," 2) societal baggage of "duty to God" and obsession with "owning things," and 3) existential angst like "dissatisfaction" and "mania of owning things." The poem paints animals as vessels of peace, content in their simple, unburdened existence. 

3. Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Discuss this in groups.

It is a cultural and religious tradition that humans worship their ancestors and pray by kneeling in front of their portraits. They hold religious sermons and ceremonies in their memory as a sign of respect and reverence. 

4. What are the ‘tokens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago, and which the animals have kept for him? Discuss this in class. (Hint: Whitman belongs to the Romantic tradition that includes Rousseau and Wordsworth, which holds that civilisation has made humans false to their own true nature. What could be the basic aspects of our nature as living beings that humans choose to ignore or deny?)

In the poem ‘Animals’ by Walt Whitman, the poet mentions that animals bring him “tokens of myself” and “evince them plainly in their possession”. The tokens mentioned in the poem represent the true nature of humans. These tokens of virtue include contentment, honesty, innocence, kindness, joy, satisfaction, and sharing. Humans developed vices such as greed, selfishness, the desire to possess everything, and other vices.

Whitman’s poem ‘Animals’ is a part of the Romantic tradition that includes Rousseau and Wordsworth. This tradition holds that civilization has made humans false to their own true nature. The basic aspects of our nature as living beings that humans choose to ignore or deny are our connection to nature, our animal instincts, and our emotions. Humans have become so engrossed in their materialistic pursuits that they have lost touch with their true selves. They have forgotten how to live in the moment and appreciate the beauty of nature. They have become slaves to their desires and have lost their sense of empathy and compassion.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Amanda Poem by Robin Klein CBCE Class 10 Summary Q&A Solved

Summary of the Poem

Think About the Poem

1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this?

Amanda is most likely a teenager. This is because the poem talks about things that teenagers typically experience, such as being told to do their homework, clean their room, and not eat chocolate. Additionally, the poem mentions that Amanda has acne, which is common teenage problem.

2. Who do you think is speaking to her?

The speaker of the poem is most likely Amanda's parent or guardian. This is because the speaker is giving Amanda commands and instructions, such as telling her to do her homework and clean her room. The speaker is also concerned about Amanda's appearance, telling her not to hunch her shoulders or bite her nails.

3. Why are Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis?

Stanzas 2, 4, and 6 are given in parentheses because they represent Amanda's daydreams or fantasies. In these stanzas, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid, an orphan, and Rapunzel. These fantasies are a way for Amanda to escape the realities of her life, where she feels controlled and restricted.

4. Who is the speaker in Stanzas 2, 4 and 6? Do you think this speaker is listening to the speaker in Stanzas 1, 3, 5, and 7?

The speaker in stanzas 2, 4, and 6 is Amanda herself. In these stanzas, Amanda is expressing her desire for freedom and independence. She wants to be able to do whatever she wants, without being told what to do by others. I don't think the speaker in stanzas 2, 4, and 6 is listening to the speaker in stanzas 1, 3, 5, and 7. This is because Amanda's daydreams are a way for her to escape from the realities , so she is not paying attention to what is happening around her.

5. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?

Amanda could swim freely in the ocean, explore the world, and make new friends if she were a mermaid.

6. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?

Amanda is not an orphan. She says that she is an orphan roaming the street, as a metaphor for her desire to be free and not to be nagged all the time.

7. Do you know the story of Rapunzel? Why does she want to be Rapunzel?

Amada wants to be Rapunzel because Rapunzel lives in a tower, where she is isolated from the world. Amanda may feel like she is trapped in her own life, and experiences Rapunzel's freedom.

8. What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?

Amanda yearns for freedom and independence. She wants to be able to make her own choices and live her life on her own terms. The poem tells us that Amanda is a creative and imaginative girl who feels trapped by the realities of her life.

9. Read the last stanza. Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody?

It is possible that Amanda is sulking and moody like other teenagers, but the poem does not explicitly say so. The last stanza simply says that "anyone would think that I nagged at you, Amanda." This could be interpreted in a number of ways, and it is up to the reader to decide what they think it means.

Summary of the poem 'Amanda' by Robin Klein

"Amanda" by Robin Klein paints a portrait of a teenage girl yearning for freedom and escape from the constraints of her reality. Through her daydreams of being a mermaid, an orphan, and Rapunzel, Amanda envisions a life of autonomy and adventure. The poem contrasts the mundane tasks and expectations imposed on her with her vibrant inner world, highlighting a teenage struggle for independence and self-discovery. Despite the ambiguity of the ending, Amanda's voice resonates with a powerful desire to break free and find her own place in the world.

Here are some key elements of the poem:

Confined Reality: Amanda faces limitations and expectations set by an unnamed adult figure.

Escape Through Fantasy: Stanzas 2, 4, and 6 represent Amanda's imaginative escapes into fantasy worlds.

Yearning for Freedom: Each fantasy reflects a different aspect of freedom - the mermaid's boundless ocean, the orphan's self-reliance, and Rapunzel's isolation from societal constraints.

Unresolved Ending: The final line leaves the reader to ponder whether Amanda's sulking stems from frustration or a deeper yearning for something beyond her reach.

Overall, "Amanda" is a poignant exploration of the adolescent desire for freedom and the struggle to reconcile inner aspirations with the limitations of reality. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Class XI - English - Woven Words - Poem - For Elkana

 Complete Text of the Poem

The warm April evening
tempts us to the breezes
sauntering across the lawn.
We drag our chairs down
the stone steps and plant them there.
Unevenly, to sit or rather sprawl
in silence till the words begin to come.
My wife, as is her way,
surveys the scene, comments
on a broken window-pane.
Suggests a thing or two
that every husband in the neighbourhood
knows exactly how to do
except of course the man she loves
who happened to be me.
Unwilling to dispute
the obvious fact
that she is always right,
I turn towards the more
attractive view that opens up
behind my eyes and shuts her out.
Her voice crawls up and down the lawn,
our son, who is seven,
hears it—and it reminds him of something.
He stands before us,
his small legs well apart,
crescent-moon-like chin uplifted
eyes hard and cold
to speak his truth
in masterly determination:
Mummy, I want my dinner, now.
Wife and husband in unusual rapport
state one unspoken thought:
Children Must be Disciplined.
She looks at me. I look away.
The son is waiting. In another second
he will repeat himself.
Wife wags a finger.
Firmly delivers verdict: Wait.
In five minutes I’ll serve you dinner.
No, says the little one,
not in five minutes, now.
I am hungry.
It occurs to me the boy is like his father.
I love him as I love myself.
Wait, darling, wait,
Mummy says, wait for five minutes
But, I am hungry now,
declaims the little bastard, in five minutes
I won’t be hungry any more.
This argument appeals to me.
Such a logician deserves his dinner straightaway.
My wife’s delightful laughter
holds the three of us together.
We rise and go into the house.


The poem is a narrative of a family scene in April, where the warmth of the evening tempts the family to sit outside and enjoy the breeze. The husband and wife drag their chairs outside to sit in silence and enjoy each other's company until the words begin to flow. However, the wife breaks the silence by commenting on a broken window-pane and suggesting some fixes to it.

The husband, unwilling to dispute his wife's advice, turns his attention to the attractive view behind his eyes, shutting his wife out. Their seven-year-old son interrupts them, asking for dinner, to which the wife replies that he should wait for five minutes. The son insists that he is hungry and wants dinner now, but the wife tells him to wait.

The husband is amused by his son's logical argument that he won't be hungry in five minutes and decides to give him his dinner straight away. The wife's laughter brings the family together, and they all go inside the house.

The poem captures the everyday interactions and dynamics of a family, with the husband and wife having different personalities and approaches to parenting. The son's interruption serves as a reminder that children need discipline, and the family's laughter at the end signifies their ability to overcome their differences and come together.


The theme of the poem revolves around the complexities of family dynamics and the struggle for power between family members, particularly between parents and children. It also touches upon the theme of communication and the challenges that arise when family members struggle to understand and connect with each other. The poem ultimately suggests that despite these difficulties, families can find joy and togetherness through laughter and a shared sense of love and understanding.

Understanding the Poem

Question 1. Comment on the subtlety with which the poet captures the general pattern of communication within a family.


The poet captures the general pattern of communication within a family with great subtlety and nuance. Through the dialogue and actions of the family members, the poem reveals the various power dynamics and conflicts that exist within the family unit, without explicitly stating them. For instance, the husband's desire to ignore his wife's suggestion and focus on his own desires suggests an underlying power imbalance in their relationship, while the son's demand for immediate satisfaction reflects a struggle for independence and autonomy.

Furthermore, the poem also captures the complexities of communication within a family, such as the unspoken tensions and emotions that can exist between family members. The husband's desire to shut his wife out and focus on his own thoughts, for instance, reveals a lack of communication and understanding between them.

Overall, the poem's subtlety and nuance in capturing the general pattern of communication within a family is what makes it such an effective and relatable portrayal of family life. The poem's realism and honesty in portraying the challenges and conflicts that can arise within a family unit make it a poignant and insightful reflection on the human experience.

Question 2. Poetic effect is achieved in the poem through understatement and asides. Discuss this with examples.


The poem "The warm April evening" achieves poetic effect through the use of understatement and asides. Understatement is a literary technique where the speaker downplays the importance or severity of a situation, often to highlight the opposite effect. Asides, on the other hand, are remarks made by the speaker that are not intended for everyone to hear but serve to provide insight into their thoughts and feelings.

For example, in the poem, the husband's desire to ignore his wife's suggestion to fix the broken window pane is an example of understatement. Instead of acknowledging her suggestion, he turns his attention to the view in front of him, which suggests a lack of interest or investment in their conversation. This understated response highlights the power imbalance in their relationship, which is further emphasized by the wife's suggestion that every husband in the neighborhood knows how to fix the window except for him.

Asides are also used to great effect in the poem, particularly in the husband's internal dialogue. For instance, when his wife is speaking, he thinks to himself about the more attractive view that opens up behind his eyes and shuts her out. This aside highlights the disconnection between the husband and wife and adds depth to his character by revealing his inner thoughts and motivations.

Overall, the use of understatement and asides in the poem enhances the subtle and nuanced portrayal of family dynamics and communication, adding depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships.

Question 3. How is the idyllic juxtaposed with the pedestrian in the poem?


In the poem "The warm April evening," the idyllic is juxtaposed with the pedestrian through the contrast between the peaceful setting of the warm April evening and the mundane, everyday tasks and conflicts that arise within the family.

On one hand, the setting of the warm April evening is described in an idyllic way, tempting the family to spend time outdoors and enjoy the breezes across the lawn. The image of the family sitting in chairs on the stone steps, surrounded by nature, creates a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

On the other hand, the poem portrays the pedestrian reality of family life, with the wife commenting on the broken window-pane and suggesting that it be fixed. The husband's response to her suggestion, focusing on the attractive view that opens up behind his eyes and shutting her out, suggests a lack of engagement and investment in their relationship.

The son's demand for immediate satisfaction, regardless of his parents' plans, adds to the contrast between the idyllic and the pedestrian. The family's decision to go inside and have dinner together is a mundane, everyday task, but the wife's delightful laughter at the end of the poem suggests that, despite the conflicts and challenges that arise within the family, they are able to find joy and togetherness in simple moments like this.

Overall, the juxtaposition of the idyllic with the pedestrian in the poem highlights the complexities of family life and the struggle to balance everyday tasks and conflicts with the desire for peace, love, and togetherness.

Question 4. Explain the undertones in the statement: ‘Wife and husband in unusual rapport
State one unspoken thought’:


In the poem "The Warm April Evening," the line "Wife and husband in unusual rapport state one unspoken thought" suggests that the couple is connected in a way that goes beyond spoken communication. This line has undertones of shared understanding, nonverbal communication, and unspoken agreement.

Throughout the poem, the husband and wife have different perspectives and approaches to various situations, such as the broken window-pane and their son's demand for dinner. Despite their differences, they are able to come together and present a united front in their response to their son's demand. The fact that they are in "unusual rapport" suggests that this type of agreement is not common in their relationship, but is something special that happens in this particular moment.

The line also suggests that the couple is able to communicate without words, as they are able to convey their agreement without speaking it out loud. This is reinforced by the fact that the thought they share is unspoken. This type of communication is further emphasized by the husband's internal dialogue throughout the poem, which reveals his thoughts and feelings about his wife and their relationship.

Overall, the undertones in the line "Wife and husband in unusual rapport state one unspoken thought" suggest a deeper level of connection between the couple that goes beyond verbal communication. It highlights the importance of nonverbal communication, shared understanding, and unspoken agreement in relationships.

Question 5. Comment on the capitalisation of all the words in the line: ‘Children Must be Disciplined’.


In the poem "The Warm April Evening," the capitalisation of all the words in the line "Children Must be Disciplined" serves to emphasize the importance and authority of the statement. The capitalisation of every word in the phrase draws attention to it and gives it a sense of gravity and importance.

By capitalising every word, the poet creates a sense of formality and seriousness around the idea of discipline for children. It suggests that this is not just a casual suggestion, but rather a rule that must be followed. This is reinforced by the fact that the phrase is presented as an unspoken thought between the husband and wife, which further emphasises the weight and authority of the statement.

The capitalisation also reflects the idea that discipline is a universal truth that applies to all children, regardless of their individual circumstances or personalities. It suggests that the need for discipline is a fundamental part of parenting and that it is not something that can be ignored or taken lightly.

Question 6. What makes the urgency of the child’s demand seem logical?


In the poem "The Warm April Evening," the urgency of the child's demand for dinner seems logical because it is based on a simple and logical argument. The child argues that he is hungry now and therefore needs to eat now, rather than waiting for five minutes.

This argument is logical because hunger is a basic need that requires immediate attention. The child's demand for dinner is not based on a whim or a desire for something frivolous, but rather on a basic need that must be met in order for him to function properly. Therefore, his demand for dinner seems urgent and reasonable.

Additionally, the child's argument is presented in a simple and straightforward way that is easy to understand. He does not use complex reasoning or try to manipulate his parents in any way. Instead, he presents a simple and clear argument that is based on his immediate needs.



On a warm April evening, the gentle breeze entices a couple to sit outside and relax. They take their chairs down the stone steps and sit in silence, waiting for the words to come. The wife takes in their surroundings, commenting on a broken window pane and making suggestions about what needs to be done. The husband does not argue, as he knows she is always right. Instead, he focuses on the view in his mind's eye and shuts her out.

Their seven-year-old son hears his mother's voice and comes outside, standing before them with his chin up and his eyes hard and cold. He demands his dinner, insisting that he is hungry and cannot wait. The wife and husband are in agreement that children must be disciplined, but the husband sees himself in his son's argument and agrees that it is logical.

After a moment of laughter, they go inside to have dinner together.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Class X - First Flight- Poem - For Anne Gregory by William Butler Yeats


Poem - For Anne Gregory by William Butler Yeats

About the Poet

William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet and nationalist born in Dublin. His ideas and works were influenced by the religious and national turmoil in Ireland. He loved Irish folklore. He embraced metaphysical philosophy Folklore and mysticism dominated his thoughts and poetry. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923.

Central Idea of the Poem

Yeats is of the view that most people love others just because they attract them physically. The complexion of the skin and the colour of the hair are more important to us than the 'real' worth of a person. We rarely love people for themselves alone. Even the beautiful Anne Gregory is not liked or loved for her inner beauty or her rare qualities of head and heart but for her beautiful yellow hair. Shallow-minded people adore only physical beauty. We should look for spiritual beauty before falling in love with a lady. Physical beauty is just skin-deep. It is momentary. Unfortunately, most people are attracted by the colour of skin and hair. Only God can love a person for himself alone.

Summary of the Poem

1. Love for Yellow Hair: This poem of W.B. Yeats has been addressed to a young and beautiful lady named Anne Gregory. The physical charm of the young lady is irresistible. Her honey-coloured blonde hair falling on her ear easily attract the onlookers. The hair falling on the ears look like the ramparts or wide walls around a castle. However, it is difficult to say that a young man is thrown into despair and starts loving her only for 'herself alone'. The physical beauty of her hair is so irresistible that the lover doesn't even bother to know whether the young lady has internal beauty and possesses nobility of the soul.

2. Superficial Physical Appearance: Anne Gregory's response in the second stanza is quite expected. She wants to say that she can get hair dye of any kind or colour. It depends on her if she colours her hair brown, black or carrot colour. She explodes the myth of physical beauty. She asks why a young man should fall in love with her and sigh in despair only after seeing the colour of her hair. If at all, any young man shows his love for her, then, that love should be based on her merits She should be loved, not for her outward appearance but for her inner beauty or personality. Her character. personality and inner beauty must be the cause of attraction and not her yellow hair.

3. God's Ability to Look Inside: The poet resolves the conflict in the third stanza. The poet quotes a religious text to prove his point Men are men Humans will fall to physical attractions quite easily. It is quite possible for a young man to be attracted by the beauty of Anne Gregory's blonde hair. Only God has the ability to resist outwardly physical temptations Only God can judge a man or a woman by what he or she is or his or her merits Human beings, without God's strength, can't look beyond outward appearances and physical beauty.

Main Points of the Poem

  1. The poem is addressed to a young and beautiful lady named Anne Gregory.

  2. Her hair is honey-coloured or blonde

  3. Every young man loves Anne just because of her beautiful hair

  4. Her hair falling on her ears look like the ramparts surrounding a castle.

  5. The poet says that no one would love Anne Gregory for 'herself alone"

  6. No one cares for her inner beauty or the nobility of her soul.

  7. Her outward appearance and her yellow hair are the only causes for her attraction

  8. In the second stanza, the lady, Anne Gregory herself settles the issue.

  9. She says that she is free to choose what colour she uses to dye her hair 

  10. She can dye her hair brown or black or the colour of a carrot

  11. Any young man should fall in love with her only after judging her own merits.

  12. Her yellow hair or outwardly appearance should not make any young man to sigh for her in despair.

  13. She should be loved for 'herself alone'.

  14. In the last stanza, the poet resolves the issue.

  15. The poet quotes a religious text.

  16. It is beyond human beings not to be attracted by physical appearance or beauty.

  17. Human beings can be easily swayed by beautiful yellow hair or outwardly appearance.

  18. Only God has the ability to withstand the temptations of physical beauty.

  19. Men, without God's strength, simply can't look beyond physical appearances.


Thinking About the poem(page 141)

Question 1. 

What does the young man mean by "great honey-coloured/Ramparts at your ear?" Why does he say that young men are "thrown into despair" by them?


The "great honey-coloured ramparts" in the poem "For Anne Gregory" by William Butler Yeats refers to Anne's blonde hair. The metaphor of the ramparts suggests that her hair is striking and impressive, like the fortifications of a castle.

The color honey-colored is likely a reference to the golden and warm color of her hair and the use of the word "ramparts" emphasizes the striking visual impact of her hair. And as to why he says that young men are "thrown into despair" by them, the metaphor is a way of expressing how captivating and beautiful Anne's hair is and how it affects those who see it.


Question 2. 

What colour is the young woman's hair? What does she say she can change it to? Why would she want to do so?


The colour of the young woman's hair is golden. Her hair can be called 'blonde'. She says that she can change the colour of her hair according to her choice. She can dye the hair brown, black or carrot colour. She wants to show that outward appearances can easily be changed. A young man should not fall in love with her only after seeing her yellow hair or outward appearance. 

Question 3. 

Objects have qualities which make them desirable to others. Can you think of some objects (a car, a phone, a dress.....) and say what qualities make one object more desirable than another? Imagine you were trying to sell an object: what qualities would you emphasise? 


When comparing objects, different people may value different qualities, but some common ones that can make an object more desirable than another include:

  • A car: fuel efficiency, speed, luxury features, safety ratings, brand reputation

  • A phone: camera quality, battery life, processing power, storage capacity, design

  • A dress: fabric quality, style, fit, brand, durability

When trying to sell an object, the qualities that are emphasized would depend on the target market and what they value most. For example, if trying to sell a car to a consumer who values fuel efficiency, the salesperson would emphasize the car's fuel efficiency and its cost savings. If trying to sell a phone to a consumer who values photography, the salesperson would emphasize the phone's camera quality and the features it has for photography. If trying to sell a dress to a consumer who values style, the salesperson would emphasize the dress's design, the designer and the style that is in trend.

In general, the most desirable qualities of an object are those that are most useful, reliable, and aesthetically pleasing to the consumer, and that meet the consumer's needs.

A car is an easy way of personal transport. A phone is the easiest way of communication. Similarly, a dress can be used to make your personality more presentable before others. While selling an object, I will emphasize not only its appearance but also its inherent positive characteristics and features.

Question 4.

What about people? Do we love others because we like their qualities, whether physical or mental? Or is it possible to love someone "for themselves alone"? Are some people 'more lovable' than others? Discuss this question in pairs or in groups, considering points like the following:

  1. a parent or caregiver's love for a newborn baby, for a mentally or physically challenged child, for a clever child or a prodigy

  2. the public's love for a film star, a sportsperson, a politician, or a social worker. 

  3. your love for a friend, or brother or sister. 

  4. your love for a pet, and the pet's love for you.


It is possible to both love someone for their qualities, whether physical or mental, and to love someone "for themselves alone." People can be attracted to certain qualities in others, but ultimately it is the person as a whole that is loved.

A parent or caregiver's love for a newborn baby is often based on the unconditional love and bond that is formed from the moment the baby is born. This type of love is often independent of the baby's physical or mental characteristics and is based on the bond and responsibility of being a parent.

The public's love for a film star, sportsperson, politician, or social worker can be based on both their qualities and their actions. For example, a film star may be loved for their acting ability and good looks, while a social worker may be loved for their selfless actions and dedication to helping others.

Similarly, one's love for a friend, brother, or sister can be based on both their qualities and their actions, as well as the shared history and bond that exists between them.

As for a pet, the love for it can be based on their companionship, loyalty, and affection. The pet's love for its owner can also be based on these factors and the bond that is formed through care and attention.

It can be said that people can be "more lovable" in the sense that certain people may possess qualities that are more attractive to certain individuals. However, it is important to note that the concept of "lovability" is subjective and can vary from person to person.

Question 5.

You have perhaps concluded that people are not objects to be valued for their qualities or riches rather than for themselves. But elsewhere Yeats asks the question: How can we separate the dancer from the dance? Is it possible to separate the person himself or herself from how the person looks, sounds, walks and so on? Think of how you or a friend or member of your family has changed over the years. Has your relationship also changed? In what way?


It is true that people are not objects to be valued solely for their qualities or riches, but rather for themselves as individuals. However, it can be difficult to separate a person from their physical and mental characteristics, as these are integral parts of who they are.

In Yeats' poem, "How can we separate the dancer from the dance?" he is asking how we can separate the person from their actions and appearance. He is suggesting that it is difficult to love the person from how they look, sound, and walk, as these are all integral parts of their identity.

As people change over the years, their physical and mental characteristics change as well, and this can affect relationships. For example, as a person ages, their appearance may change and this can affect how others perceive them. Similarly, as a person's mental or physical health changes, their behavior and actions may change, which can affect how others interact with them.

It's important to remember that people are complex and multi-faceted, and that our relationship with them can change over time as we get to know them better and as they change. It's important to remember that one's worth is not based on their physical or mental characteristics but on their humanity, and that's what truly makes them valuable.