Sunday, October 23, 2022


50 Practice Questions of Modals in English Grammar with Answers

Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.
(Answer key given below)

1. She _______ be at home. She left her keys on the table.
2. We _______ go to the party if we finish our work early.
3. You _______ try the new restaurant downtown. The food is delicious.
4. He _______ swim when he was just three years old.
5. I'm not sure if I _______ come to the meeting tomorrow. I have a conflicting appointment.
6. They _______ have studied harder for the exam. They didn't do well.
7. _______ I borrow your pen? I forgot mine at home.
8. We _______ take a taxi. It's raining heavily outside.
9. He _______ have passed the driving test. He practiced a lot.
10. She _______ have left the door unlocked. That's why the house got robbed.
11. You _______ read that book. It's a classic.
12. They _______ stay up late. They have an early morning tomorrow.
13. He _______ come to the party. He wasn't invited.
14. _______ I help you with your luggage?
15. We _______ go to the gym more often. We need to stay fit.
16. I _______ finish this report by tomorrow. It's urgent.
17. They _______ go on vacation next week. Their flights are booked.
18. You _______ eat all the cake by yourself. Share it with others.
19. She _______ be tired. She worked overtime today.
20. He _______ speak French fluently. He studied it for many years.
21. We _______ be careful while crossing the road. It's busy.
22. You _______ ask for permission before using my computer.
23. They _______ play soccer every weekend. It's their favorite sport.
24. _______ I have a glass of water, please?
25. He _______ start saving money for his future.
26. She _______ attend the meeting. She has a prior engagement.
27. We _______ take the bus or walk to the park. It's just a few blocks away.
28. They _______ go to the movies tonight. They have other plans.
29. You _______ bring an umbrella. It might rain later.
30. He _______ have called to inform about the change in plans.
31. She _______ lend you her car if you promise to drive carefully.
32. _______ I have another piece of cake? It's delicious.
33. They _______ visit their grandparents over the weekend. They miss them.
34. We _______ be more mindful of our environment. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
35. You _______ take a break. You've been working hard all day.
36. He _______ ask for help if he doesn't understand the assignment.
37. She _______ go to the doctor. Her cough has been persistent.
38. They _______ arrive on time for the concert. The tickets are non-refundable.
39. _______ I have a look at your notes? I missed the class yesterday.
40. We _______ buy a new car. Ours keeps breaking down.
41. He _______ stay focused during the exam. It's important.
42. You _______ learn to play the guitar if you practice regularly.
43. They _______ join the club if they meet the membership requirements.
44. _______ I open the window? It's stuffy in here.
45. She _______ take up dancing. It's a great way to stay active.
46. We _______ study harder for the next test. We didn't do well
47. You _______ ask for directions. We're lost.
48. He _______ apologize for his rude behavior. It was uncalled for.
49. _______ I have a piece of advice? I think it might help.
50. They _______ visit the art museum. It's known for its impressive collection.

1. must
2. can
3. should
4. could
5. will
6. should
7. May
8. should
9. must
10. should
11. should
12. shouldn't
13. shouldn't
14. Can
15. should
16. must
17. will
18. shouldn't
19. must
20. can
21. should
22. should
23. should
24. May
25. should
26. can't
27. can
28. won't
29. should
30. should
31. will
32. May
33. will
34. should
35. should
36. should
37. should
38. must
39. May
40. should
41. should
42. can
43. can
44. May
45. should
46. should

Please note that in some cases, more than one modal verb can be used, depending on the intended meaning.

All Modals with Definition and Examples

1. Can:
   - Definition: Expresses ability, capability, permission, or possibility.
   - Example: I can swim. Can I borrow your pen?

2. Could:
   - Definition: Expresses past ability, permission, or possibility.
   - Example: I could swim when I was younger. Could I use your phone?

3. May:
   - Definition: Expresses permission, possibility, or uncertainty.
   - Example: May I go to the restroom? It may rain later.

4. Might:
   - Definition: Expresses possibility or uncertainty.
   - Example: She might come to the party. It might be a good idea to call ahead.

5. Must:
   - Definition: Expresses obligation, necessity, or strong probability.
   - Example: You must follow the rules. It must be cold outside.

6. Shall:
   - Definition: Expresses suggestions, offers, or future actions.
   - Example: Shall we go for a walk? I shall do my best to help you.

7. Should:
   - Definition: Expresses advice, recommendations, or expectations.
   - Example: You should study for the exam. It should be a great movie.

8. Will:
   - Definition: Expresses future actions, predictions, or willingness.
   - Example: I will meet you at the cafe. It will rain tomorrow.

9. Would:
   - Definition: Expresses past habits, polite requests, or hypothetical situations.
   - Example: He would always take a walk after dinner. Would you like some tea?

10. Ought to:
    - Definition: Expresses moral obligation, strong recommendation, or expectation.
    - Example: You ought to apologize. He ought to be here by now.

11. Need:
    - Definition: Expresses necessity or obligation.
    - Example: You need to finish your homework. I need to buy groceries.

12. Have to:
    - Definition: Expresses necessity or obligation.
    - Example: I have to go to work. They have to clean their room.

These are the main modal verbs in English, each with specific usage and meaning.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Modals - explanation - with examples

Modals are basically helping verbs or auxiliary verbs.
Example: May, might, should.

• These attach meaning to the verbs.

It is used to show:-
• Ability
•Permission (informal)
Example: He can write neatly.

It is used to show:-
•Permission (formal)
Example: It may rain soon.

Could:- (past form of can)
It is used for:-
Polite requests
Example: Could you please open the window.

Might (past form of may)
It is used to show:-
Less possibility 
Example: He might be late today.

As a modal verb, need is usually followed by an infinitive without 'to': The modal verb need is mainly used in questions and negatives, which are formed without 'd'
Example: Need I go now? You need not go.

• The negative 'need not' is often shortened to needn't in conversation and informal writing Need does not change its form, so the third person singular of the present tense does not end in's':
Example: He need not go there.

Used for:-
Example: He dare not say it.

For past regular, repeated, actions
Example: In his childhood he would cry all the time.
Past form of will
Polite request or Offer.
Example: Would you like to have some coffee?

It has no infinitive and no past tense.
Used to expresss obligation.
Example: You must obey your parents.
It is used to say something that is probably true because nothing else seems possible.
Example: You must pe tired after the long journey.
It is used to give emphatic advice.
Example: She must consult a doctor at once.

Must expresses an obligation imposed by the speaker. Have to/Had to expresses external obligations an obligation by some authority or circumstances. 
Example: I must reach there in time (the speaker himself feels so).
You must reach in time (ordered to do so by some external authority).

It is the past tense of shall.
Should is used to express duty.
Example: You should look after nature.
It is used to give advice or suggestion.
Example: You should consult a doctor.

It is usually followed by 'to' and an infinitive:
Example: you ought to tell the truth. 

• Ought to is used for expressing what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way
to behave:
Example: You ought to get up earlier.

Ought to is used when we believe strongly or expect that something will happen:
Example: The Indian team ought to win.

• Ought to have is used when we realise that we did not do the right thing in the past: 
Example: She ought to have taken the money.

Difference between ought, must, have to and should:-
*Ought is used to express the subject's obligation or duty. But it indicates neither the speaker's authority as with must, nor an outside authority as with have to. 
*The speaker is only reminding the subject of his duty. *Besides this, he is giving advice or indicating a correct or sensible action.

*Ought can be used in exactly the same way as should: You ought to/should obey your parents

Check your understanding by answering questions by clicking this link:- Modals Practice Questions

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