Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Chapter 5 - Footprints without Feet - Class X - English - Solved Questions and Answers - NCERT


Read and Find Out

Q1. How did the invisible man first become visible?

ANSWER:  Griffin the scientist was completely invisible until he stepped in some mud, which caused him to leave footprints as he walked but his body was visible yet. He became completely visible when stealthily entered into a big London store and wore warm cloths stolen from there.

Q2. Why was he wandering the streets?

ANSWER: Griffin's landlord disliked him because of his eccentric behaviour therefore the landlord asked Griffin to vacate the rented house. In revenge Griffin set fire to his house. In order to escape he had to remove his clothes. This was why he had become a homeless wanderer—without clothes and money.

Q3. Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist eccentric?

ANSWER: Mrs. Hall finds the scientist Mr. Griffin eccentric because of his uncommon appearance. He had wrapped bandages around his forehead, wore dark glasses, a false nose, big bushy side-whiskers, and a large hat. When Mrs. Hall tried to strike a conversation he told her that he had no desire to talk to anyone and his reason for coming to Iping was for solitude.

Q4. What curious episode occurs in the study?

ANSWER: The curious episode that occurred was that the clergyman and his wife were awakened by noises coming from the study. They could hear the chink of money being taken from the desk. But when they opened the door they found nobody in the room. 

Q5. What other extraordinary things happen at the inn?

ANSWER: The other extraordinary things that happened at the inn was the Mrs. Hall found Griffin's room open and when she and her husband went inside out of curiosity there was not one. They found his bedclothes cold, his usual clothes and hat lying about the room. To their surprise the chair started moving about and charged towards them and pushed them outside the room apparently on its own.


Q1. “Griffin was rather a lawless person.” Comment.

ANSWER: Griffin never bothered about the law when it came to fulfil his own desires. When his landlord asked him to leave he set his house on fire and ran away. He stole from the store and playhouse and later in the village of Iping from the clergyman. All these incidents indicate that he was a lawless person.

Q2. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist?

ANSWER: Griffin discovered the scientific formula to make a human body invisible. This shows that he was a brilliant scientist. But instead of sharing his achievement with the scientific community he seemed to enjoy the power of invisibility and abuse it.


    1. Would you like to become invisible? What advantages and disadvantages do you foresee, if you did?

    Yes, it would be so exciting to become invisible. This adventurous and unique experience of being invisible will enable me to help the poor and the deprived section of the society. I would hep the police to catch the criminals.
    But the invisibility will also deprive me of my identity and I may lose my social capital of loving and being loved by family and friends. Therefore I would never prefer to be invisible permanently.

    Moreover if a person is determined he/she can achieve whatever  noble deeds that person desires to perform. History is witness that all the noble works have been done by people who remained 'visible'.

    2. Are there forces around us that are invisible, for example, magnetism? Are there aspects of matter that are ‘invisible’ or not visible to the naked eye? What would the world be like if you could see such forces or such aspects of matter?

    We human beings are surrounded by energies which are invisible and beyond human perception. Radio waves, infra red light, sound waves at certain frequencies and laser are some of the examples. It would be very disturbing and unnerving for human beings to see such things all around us and in many cases passing through our body such as neutrinos. About 100 trillion neutrinos pass through your body every second. If we happen to see it we won't be able to live normally I guess.

    Class 11 - English Core - Sample paper - Solved

    General Instructions:
    Time allowed: 3 hrs
    Max. Marks : 80
    (i) The Question paper is divided into three sections:
    Section A: Reading (26 marks)
    Section B: Writing Skills and Grammar (23 marks)
    Section C: Literature (31 marks)

    (ii) All questions are compulsory.

    (iii) You may attempt any section at a time. (ro) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

    Section A:- (Reading)
    1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

    1. We are what we eat. The type of food we eat has both immediate and long-term effects on us, at all the three levels-the body, the mind and the spirit. Food which is tamasik (i.e. stale or leftover) in nature is bound to generate stress as it tends to upset the normal functioning of the human body. Fresheners should be avoided. Taking piping hot tea/milk or steaming hot food, whenever available, must be preferred. Excessive use of condiments also disturbs one's usually calm attitude. Further, it is a mistaken belief that smoking or drinking, even in moderation, relieves stress. Simple meals with one or two food items, rather than too many lavish are advisable. Also, vegetarian diet is preferable. Although it is customary to serve fruits with food items, it is not the right thing to do. This is because different kinds of digestive secretions are produced by the stomach for variant food items. Mixing up too many varieties of food items in one meal creates problems for the digestive system. In fact, any one type of fruit, preferably taken in the morning, is better.
    2. On an average, we eat almost three to four times the quantity of food than we actually need. A lot of body's energy is used up for digesting the excess food. It is said that after a particular level of food intake, the 'food actually eats one up'.
    3. It is always good to eat a little less than your 'full-stomach' capacity. Besides, never eat food unless you are really hungry. To have dinner at 8 or 9 pm after a heavy snack around 5 or 6 pm in the evening is asking for trouble. In fact, skipping a meal is always good if the stomach is upset. There are varying views on the benefits of fasting, but we will not discuss them here. However, giving a break to one's stomach, at least once a week, by having only fruit or milk, etc., may be worth a try.
    4. While a little bit of water taken with meals is all right, drinking 30 to 60 ml of water with food is not advisable. Water, taken an hour or so before or after meals, is good for digestion. One's diet must be balanced with all the required nutrients for a healthy living.
    5. Also remember, excess of everything is bad. Related to the problem of stress, excessive intake of salt is definitely out. Too much of sugar, fried food and chilies are not good either. Over-indulgence and excessive craving for a particular taste/type of food generates rajasik (aggressive) or at worst, tamasik (dull) tendencies. An even more important aspect of the relationship between food and stress lies not so much in what or how much we eat but how the food is taken. For example, food eaten in great hurry or in a state of anger or any other negative state of mind is bound to induce stress. How the food is served is also very important. Not only the presentation, cutlery, crockery, etc., play a role, the love and affection with which the food is served is also significant. Finding faults with food while it is being eaten is a bad habit. It is better not to eat the food you do not like, rather than finding faults with it.
    6. It is good to have regular food habits. Workaholics who do not find time to eat food at proper meal time invite stomach ulcers. One must try to enjoy one's food, and therefore, eating at the so-called lunch/dinner meetings is highly inadvisable. Every morsel of food should be enjoyed with a totally peaceful state of mind. Food and discussions should not be mixed. There are accepted ways to 'charge' the food we eat. Prayer is perhaps 'the best method for energizing the food and it does definite additional good at no extra cost.
    By: Lt. Gen. M. M. Walia

    A. On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
    (1 × 6 = 6)

    1.1. Tamasik food influences a person by
    (a) generating stress.
    (b) making a person energetic. 
    (c) generating large amount of energy
    (d) making a person bold

    1.2. Generally what incorrect belief do people practise at the table?
    (a) Smoking helps to digest food. 
    (b) Smoking or drinking even in moderation relieves stress.
    (c) Pickles add to taste
    (d) Condiments help to enhance appetite

    1.3. The writer says that the "food actually eats one up" because the
    (a) Digestion takes too much time.
    (b) Excessive intake of food takes a lot of body's energy to digest it.
    (c) Food sustains the body. 
    (d) Person becomes healthy.

    1.4. Rajasik tendencies are generated due to:
    (a) Over indulgence in fried food. 
    (b) Too much use of spicy food.
    (c) Over indulgence and excessive craving for a particular taste.
    (d) Excess of everything.

    1.5. Here, the word "charge" means
    (a) to impose or ask as a price or fee
    (b) to attack by rushing violently against
    (c) to accuse formally
    (d) to feel full of vigour

    1.6. What does 'induce' mean?
    (a) Reduce
    (b) Cause, influence
    (c) Aggressive
    (d) To intake

    B. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible: (Do any 4)

    2.1. ______should be avoided.

    2.2. It is always good to eat less than your ____ capacity.

    2.3. Water, taken an hour or so before or after meals, is good for____.

    2.4. _____who do not find them to eat food at proper meal times invite stomach ulcers.

    2.5. Find the word in the passage with the meaning to avoid extremes. (para 1)

    2.6. Find the word in the passage with the meaning not worth recommending. (para 6)

    (More questions will be uploaded soon).

    Tuesday, November 22, 2022

    Class 10 - NCERT - First Flight - The Ball Poem - Poem - John Berryman

    The Ball Poem

    What is the boy now, who has lost his ball,
    What, what is he to do? I saw it go
    Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then
    Merrily over — there it is in the water!
    No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:
    An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
    As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
    All his young days into the harbour where
    His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
    A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
    He senses first responsibility
    In a world of possessions. People will take
    Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
    And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.
    He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
    The epistemology of loss, how to stand up
    Knowing what every man must one day know
    And most know many days, how to stand up.

    Central Idea of the Poem

     "The Ball Poem' looks like a simple story of a young boy losing his ball. The boy is severely upset over the loss. Normally, it may seem like a great overreaction. Children lose things as their toys and balls quite often. Usually, no fuss should be made about such a small thing. But the ball seems to be symbolising the poet's childhood. The boy becoming an adult, loses his childhood. He was clinging onto his childhood for so long. The poet accepts the changes in his life. Although he is still suffering yet he is learning to move on from his fleeting childhood. The true theme of the poem is that we should cherish every moment of life. Life is really very short. The poet realises that it is very difficult to deal with the loss but it must be done. We should move on as there is no use in wasting precious time and life.

    Main points of the poem:-

    1. The young boy lost his ball.
    2. He was playing and saw the ball bouncing down the street.
    3. Then, in the end the ball fell down into the water and lost forever. 
    4. The boy sees everything happening before his eyes but he is helpless. 
    5. He only stands there helplessly moaning at the loss of the ball.
    6. The loss of the ball may appear to be an ordinary incident.
    7. It seems that boys lose such balls many times while they are playing.
    8. The boy should not make a fuss over it. 
    9. The loss of ball is symbolic. It has a deeper meaning.

    Detailed Explanation

    This poem by John Berryman is about a young boy who has lost his ball and is standing by the water staring at it. The poet describes the boy's reaction to the loss of his ball, which is one of "ultimate shaking grief" and "trembling." The boy is not just upset about losing his ball but also about the realization of the finality of possession. The poet emphasizes that balls are lost always and can't be bought back, and this is the boy's first experience with the reality of loss.

    The poem also reflects the theme of growing up and learning to deal with the reality of loss and disappointment. The boy is learning, as the poet says, "The epistemology of loss" which means the theory and knowledge of loss, and how to stand up knowing what every man must one day know. The poem emphasizes that this knowledge is not something that can be bought with money, it's something internal and something that every man must learn.

    The final lines of the poem, "how to stand up, knowing what every man must one day know, and most know many days, how to stand up," suggests that the loss of ball is not just a small event, but a significant part of growing up, and a necessary step in learning to deal with the inevitable losses in life.

    Thinking About the Poem

    Question 1. Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him”? Why doesn’t he offer him money to buy another ball?

    The poet says, "I would not intrude on him" because he recognizes that the boy is going through a personal and emotional experience and doesn't want to interrupt or disturb him. The poet is aware that the boy is standing alone, staring into the water, and feeling a deep sense of grief and loss. He doesn't want to intrude on the boy's moment of grief, and he wants to respect the boy's privacy and personal space.

    The poet also doesn't offer the boy money to buy another ball because he understands that this is not a problem that can be solved with money. The loss of the ball is not just about the ball itself but about the boy's first experience with the reality of loss and the finality of possession. The poet realizes that the boy is learning a valuable lesson about life and that money cannot replace that learning experience. Offering money would not only be inadequate, but it would also trivialize the boy's emotional state. The poet wants to acknowledge the boy's emotions and the significance of this moment in his life.

    Question 2. “… staring down/All his young days into the harbour where/His ball went …” Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it?

    The line "staring down / All his young days into the harbour where / His ball went" suggests that the boy is staring into the water for a prolonged period of time, and it implies that the loss of the ball is significant to him, but it does not specify how long he has had the ball for. The phrase "all his young days" could mean that the ball has been a part of his life for a long time and is linked to many happy memories, but it could also mean that the boy is young, and this is one of the first significant possessions he has lost in his life. The poem doesn't give us a specific time frame, but instead, it emphasizes the emotional significance of the loss to the boy.

    Question 3. What does “in the world of possessions” mean?

    The phrase "in the world of possessions" refers to the idea that we live in a society where we accumulate possessions and material objects. These possessions play a significant role in our lives and are often seen as a symbol of our status, identity, and well-being. The phrase "in the world of possessions" is used to indicate that the boy is learning about the nature of material possessions and how they can be lost. The phrase emphasizes that the boy is beginning to understand that possessions are not permanent, and that he must learn to deal with the reality of loss. It implies that the boy is learning a valuable lesson about how possessions are not the most important things in life and that they can be replaced, but the emotions and memories associated with them cannot. It highlights the idea that possessions are temporary and that they are not the ultimate source of happiness.

    Question 4. Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the words that suggest the answer.

    The poem does not delve into the boy's past experiences with loss. However, based on the words "I saw it go / Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then / Merrily over — there it is in the water!" it could imply that this is one of the first times the boy has lost something, and he is not prepared for it. The words, "An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy / As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down" suggest that the boy is experiencing a deep sense of loss and that this is the first time he's been confronted with this kind of feeling.

    Question 5. What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words.

    The poet suggests that the boy is learning a valuable lesson about loss and the nature of possessions. The boy is learning the "epistemology of loss", which refers to the study of knowledge or understanding of loss. He is learning how to deal with the reality of losing something that he valued. The poet says, "He senses first responsibility / In a world of possessions" which implies that the boy is becoming aware of the fact that possessions are not permanent and can be lost. He is learning that possessions are not the most important things in life, and that they can be replaced, but the emotions and memories associated with them cannot.

    Question 6. Have you ever lost something you liked very much? Write a paragraph describing how you felt then, and saying whether — and how — you got over your loss.

    Loss is an inevitable part of human life, and it can take many forms, such as the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of a home, the loss of a possession, and more. The sense of loss can be overwhelming and can lead to feelings of sadness, grief, and hopelessness. It can be difficult to move on from the loss and to find meaning in life again. However, it is important to understand that loss is a natural part of life, and it is possible to overcome it. One way to overcome the sense of loss is to allow yourself to feel and express your emotions. It is important to give yourself time to grieve and to process your feelings. It is also important to reach out to friends and family for support and to seek professional help if necessary. It is also important to focus on the present moment and to take small steps towards rebuilding your life. You can try to find new hobbies or activities to keep yourself occupied and to focus on the positive aspects of life. It is also important to remember that the memories and the love of the person or the thing that you lost will always remain with you. With time and patience, you will eventually learn to cope with the sense of loss and to find meaning in life again.

    Tuesday, November 8, 2022

    Class 10 - NCERT - FIRST FLIGHT - CH 1 - A letter to God - by G.L. Fuentes

    The story, ' A Letter To God ' is written by G.L. Fuentes. This is a story of a hardworking farmer Lencho, who is expecting a good harvest this year if it rains. The most awaited rain came but it did not stop as a shower of blessings but instead turned into a hailstorm which resulted in the ruining of Lencho's crops and field. Being deeply hurt, he has no other way to fulfill his family's needs then to to hope for help from God. Apart from being a hardworking farmer Lencho also had a firm faith in God. With this firm faith and determination he writes a letter to God asking God for a hundred pesos so he could sow his field again. He posts this letter and in the adress he wrote - ' to God '. When the postman reads the letter, he has a hearty laugh and shows the letter to the postmaster. The postmaster decides to help Lencho in order not to shake his faith in God. So the postmaster gives some part of his salary and asks for help from his employees and eventually was able to collect only seventy pesos. So he sends this money to Lencho through another letter signed as God. Lencho receives the letter and is momentarily happy. As he unfolds the letter he realises that there were only seventy pesos when Lencho asked for a hundred pesos from God. He thinks, God can't deceive him, it is the work of post office employees. He writes another letter to God asking Him not to send the remaining 30 pesos by mail as post office employees are a 'bunch of crooks'. The lesson shows three things. It shows Lencho's firm faith in God. His faith is rewarded though the helpers are human beings. Secondly, it shows the utter innocence of the farmer, Lencho. Thirdly, the lesson gives a message that sometimes even your generosity is not recognised. You may not get any credit for your generosity and kindness. But on the other hand, you may be misunderstood as a 'bunch of crooks'.

    Main Points of the Story:-
    1. Lencho was a farmer.
    2. His house was the only house in the valley and on the top of a hill.
    3. Lencho's fields needed a rain for a good harvest.
    4. He looked expectantly at the sky and it did rain at last.
    5. The drops of rain was like the coins for him.
    6. But his happiness was short lived as very
    large hailstones began to fall after the rain. 
    7. The hailstones destroyed all the leaves on the trees, plants and flowers.
    8. There would be no crop that year.
    9. There was a single hope: help from God. 
    10. On the following Sunday, he wrote a letter  to God.
    11. He needed a hundred pesos to sow his fields again and to live until the new crop came.
    12. He wrote 'To God' on the envelope and put the letter into the mailbox.
    13. The postman laughed heartily and took it to the postmaster. 
    14. The postmaster laughed too but soon he became serious. 
    15. He decided to reply the letter and help Lencho.
    16. He collected seventy pesos only from his employees and himself contributed a part of his salary.
    17. He put the money in an envelope and posted it to Lencho.
    18. Lencho had an unbroken faith in God and he was not surprised when he received the money.
    19. His happiness was turned into anger as there were thirty pesos short of the money. 
    20. Lencho could never believe that God could
    ever deceive him.
    21. So, he wrote another letter to God reminding Him that he received only 70 pesos sent by Him.
    22. He asked God not to send the rest of 30 pesos through the mail as the post office employees were a 'bunch of crooks'.

    Character Sketch:-
    1. Lencho: Lencho was a man of limited means and earned his living by farming his fields. He had an unshaken faith in God. He believed that God always helps the people with a clear conscience. Therefore, when he lost all hopes and he and his family were on the verge of starvation, he looked towards God for help. His deep faith in God even impressed the postmaster who decided to help him.
    He was educated enough to write a letter. He shows his innocence by trying to have a correspondence with God directly.
    While he had an unshaken faith in God, he mistrusted easily the motives of men. He could never know and nor did he ever try to know who had sent him those seventy pesos to help him.

    2. Postmaster: The postmaster has all that is good in human thinking and behaviour. He has thorough understanding of a sharp, sympathetic and sensitive mind. He knows how the mind of a God-fearing rustic like Lencho works. He doesn't want to break the deep faith of Lencho in God. First, he laughed at the man who wanted to have a direct correspondence with God. After reading the letter, he was deeply moved and impressed by Lencho's faith in God. He knew that merely goodwill was not sufficient. The farmer needed financial help. So he collected a sum of 70 pesos from his employees. He also contributed a part of his salary and sent the money to Lencho.

    3. The Post Office Employees: The post-office employees make every effort to help Lencho. They believed that only an innocent and foolish farmer can write a letter to God. They were considerate and full of compassion. They wondered at the faith of the man who wrote that leer. But they contributed something for an 'act of charity'. They couldn't collect the hundred pesos but sent only seventy pesos to Lencho. Only a single word was written as a signature: "God".

    (Q and A will be uploaded soon)