Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Poem: I Was Sitting by my Window Summary Q&A Solved and Explained

Let's enjoy the poem.

Q1. Who do you think is the speaker? How can you tell?

ANSWER: The speaker is most likely a child. This can be inferred from the whimsical nature of the events and the focus on a routine like sitting by the window "each morning."

Q2. The speaker's room is clean and tidy. True or False?


Q3. The items related to cleaning that appear in the poem are: buckets, ...... (Complete the list.)

ANSWER: The items related to cleaning that appear in the poem are: buckets, dustpans, brooms, boxes of sponges, mops, cans of cleanser, and bars of soap.

Q4. The items related to dancing that appear in the poem are: pirouettes, ......(Complete the list.)

ANSWER: The items related to dancing that appear in the poem are: pirouettes, pivots, a song and dance, wiggles, waltzes, and prances.

Q5. 'this is someone's way of telling me that I should clean my room.' (last stanza) Who do you think 'someone' is? Why do you think so?

ANSWER: 'Someone' here is most probably the mother of the speaker. Usually, parents ask their children to clean their rooms and make them tidy.

Q6. This poem has several examples of personification: for example, mops display playfulness and skill. Can you find other examples of personification in the poem?

ANSWER: The poem brings things to life by pretending they can act like people! It says it rained "buckets" (buckets can't rain!), the supplies showed up "from nowhere" (like magic!), and even danced a "song and dance."

Q7. Find rhyming words in the poem for the following: loom, yawning, four, glance, mope, hill.

ANSWER: Here are some rhyming words in the poem: Loom - room, Yawning - morning, Four-door
Glance - dance, Mope - soap, hill-sill.


The poem "I Was Sitting by My Window" tells the story of a child who witnesses something strange. While looking out the window, a bunch of cleaning supplies suddenly appear – buckets, dustpans, brooms, and more! These supplies then come alive and put on a whole show, dancing and twirling around the room.  It's a surprising and funny event, and the poem leaves us wondering if it's a playful way of reminding the child to clean up!

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