Prepare thoroughly for your Class 9 English exams with our comprehensive guide to On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel. This post includes a detailed summary, the theme of the poem, word meanings for easy understanding, and explanatory answers to textbook questions. Additionally, explore extra questions and answers to enhance your preparation, along with an explanatory summary in Hindi for better clarity. Designed to meet CBSE standards, this guide ensures a clear grasp of the poem's message, helping students excel in their tests. Perfect for students using the Beehive textbook and looking for NCERT solutions!
Summary of On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel

To really kill it, you have to dig it out of the ground. The roots, which are usually hidden and safe underground, need to be dragged into the open. Once they’re exposed to the sun and air, they dry up and die. This process isn’t quick or easy—it’s harsh and deliberate.
The poem makes you realise two things: how tough nature is, and how cruel humans can be to destroy it. It’s almost like a warning—we might think we’re powerful, but killing something as simple as a tree takes a lot of effort. It’s a sad reminder to respect nature instead of harming it.
Theme of On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel
Words Meaning of On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel
Words/Expressions | Meaning |
Jab | A quick, sharp blow or push |
Leprous hide | The rough, discoloured surface of the tree's bark |
Hack and chop | To cut roughly and repeatedly |
Bleeding bark | The sap or fluid oozing out of the wounded bark |
Twigs | Small, thin branches of a tree |
Miniature boughs | Small branches that grow into larger ones |
Anchoring earth | The soil that holds the tree firmly in place |
Roped, tied | Fastened with a rope |
Earth-cave | The deep part of the soil where roots are buried |
Scorching | Burning or drying due to intense heat |
Choking | Suffocating or being deprived of air |
Withering | Drying up and dying |
Browning | Changing colour to brown as it dries |
The strength of the tree | The source of life and energy of the tree, found in its roots |
Pulled out entirely | Removed completely |
Sensitive | Delicate or easily affected |
Hidden | Kept out of sight or covered |
On Killing a Tree Questions and Answers
Thinking about the Poem
I.1. Can a “simple jab of the knife” kill a tree? Why not?
No, a simple jab of the knife cannot kill a tree because it has deep roots and immense strength to heal itself and regrow.
I.2. How has the tree grown to its full size? List the words suggestive of its life and activity.
The tree grows by consuming nutrients from the earth and absorbing sunlight, water, and air over many years. Words like "feeding," "absorbing," "sprouting," and "rising" suggest its life and activity.
I.3. What is the meaning of “bleeding bark”? What makes it bleed?
“Bleeding bark” refers to the sap or fluid that oozes out when the tree’s bark is cut. It bleeds due to the injuries caused by hacking or chopping.
I.4. The poet says “No” in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this?
The poet uses “No” to emphasise that hacking and chopping are not enough to kill a tree. Uprooting its roots is necessary to destroy it completely.
I.5. What is the meaning of “anchoring earth” and “earth cave”?
“Anchoring earth” means the soil that holds the tree firmly in place, while “earth cave” refers to the deep part of the soil where the roots are buried.
I.6. What does he mean by “the strength of the tree exposed”?
“The strength of the tree exposed” means pulling the tree’s roots out of the soil, revealing its hidden source of life and energy.
I.7. What finally kills the tree?
The tree is finally killed when its roots are uprooted and exposed to sunlight and air. The roots dry up, harden, and wither, leading to the tree’s death.
Central Idea of On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel
The central idea of On Killing a Tree revolves around the resilience of nature and the destruction caused by human actions. The poem highlights how deeply rooted trees are, symbolising their strength and connection with the earth. It emphasises that destroying a tree requires more than just cutting; its very source of life—the roots—must be exposed and destroyed. Through this, the poet conveys the destructive tendencies of humans towards nature and urges readers to reflect on their actions. The poem serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving the environment and respecting its vitality.
On Killing a Tree Summary in Hindi
On Killing a Tree कविता में कवि गीव पटेल ने पेड़ों को मारने के संघर्ष और प्रकृति की ताकत को दर्शाया है। कवि बताता है कि एक पेड़ को केवल चाकू के साधारण वार से नहीं मारा जा सकता। यह वर्षों की मेहनत से धरती से पोषण, पानी, हवा और सूर्य की रोशनी लेकर बड़ा होता है।
पेड़ को काटने या उसकी छाल को नुकसान पहुंचाने से वह पूरी तरह खत्म नहीं होता। उसकी छाल से "रक्तस्राव" यानी रस निकलता है, लेकिन वह ठीक हो जाता है और फिर नई शाखाएं उग आती हैं।
किसी पेड़ को पूरी तरह खत्म करने के लिए उसकी जड़ों को मिट्टी से बाहर खींचना पड़ता है। जड़ों को "अर्थ केव" यानी मिट्टी की गहराई से निकालकर सूरज और हवा में सुखाना पड़ता है। धीरे-धीरे वे जड़ें सूखकर, कठोर होकर मुरझा जाती हैं, और तब पेड़ मर जाता है।
यह कविता प्रकृति की ताकत और मानव के विनाशकारी रवैये को दर्शाती है, साथ ही पर्यावरण संरक्षण का महत्व भी बताती है।
On Killing a Tree Extra Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions
1. Why does the poet compare the tree’s bark to a leper’s skin?
The poet compares the bark to a leper’s skin because it appears rough, cracked, and diseased, symbolising its aged and weathered surface.
2. What happens if green twigs are left unchecked?
If left unchecked, green twigs grow into branches and eventually form a full-sized tree again.
3. Why does the poet focus on the roots of the tree?
The poet focuses on the roots because they are the tree's source of strength and life.
Short Answer Type Questions
4. What message does the poet convey through this poem?
The poet conveys that trees, like nature, are strong and resilient. He also highlights the cruelty of humans who destroy trees, urging us to respect and protect the environment.
5. How does the poet describe the process of killing a tree?
The poet describes the process as laborious, requiring more than cutting the trunk. The roots must be pulled out, and they must be dried and withered by sunlight and air to ensure the tree’s death.
6. Why does the poet use words like “scorching,” “choking,” and “twisting”?
These words depict the harsh and painful process of killing a tree, highlighting the cruelty of the act and the suffering endured by the tree.
Long Answer Type Questions
7. How does the poem symbolise human interference with nature?
The poem symbolises human interference through the violent act of destroying a tree, which represents nature’s resilience. Despite human efforts to harm it, nature strives to heal and grow back. The poem critiques humanity’s exploitation of the environment and stresses the need for harmony with nature.
8. Discuss the role of imagery in the poem.
The poet uses vivid imagery to describe the tree’s growth and destruction. Words like “leprous hide,” “bleeding bark,” and “earth-cave” evoke strong visual and emotional reactions, emphasising both the vitality of the tree and the brutality of killing it. This imagery helps the reader feel the intensity of the act and understand the underlying environmental message.
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