Saturday, December 25, 2021

Class IX - Beehive - Poem - The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost.

The Road Not Taken

Thinking about the Poem

I.   1. Where does the traveller find himself? what problem does he face?

Answer. The traveller finds himself at the diversion of two roads. Being one traveller he could not travel both the roads so he had to chose between them and this was the problem that he was facing.

2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you.
   (i) a yellow wood

Answer. Yellow wood represents the autumn season.

   (ii) it was grassy and wanted wear.

Answer. Road not used much.

   (iii) the passing there.

Answer. The people who used to walk on the roads.

   (iv) leaves no step had trodden black.

Answer. Both roads were the same as no one walked on them and turned the leaves on the road black.

   (v) how way leads on to way.

Answer. How a person becomes busy in life.

3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poets describes them:
(i) in stanzas two and three?
(ii) in the last two lines of the poem?

Answer. (i) in stanzas two and three there is not much difference as in the second stanza both the roads were grassy and wanted wear and in the third stanza both the roads were covered with leaves and looked alike.

(ii) Yes there is a lot of difference in the two roads in the last two lines as the poet describes that he took the one less travelled by and that is the difference.

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